General surgery
Артикул | NF0015694 |
ISBN | 978-5-9704-5439-8 |
Издательство | |
Автор | Гостищев В.К. |
Год | 2020 |
Страниц | 220 |
Переплет | мягкий |
1655 руб.
В наличии
This manual covers the main parts of general surgery such as asepsis and antisepsis; bleeding; blood transfusion; the principles of resuscitation and anaesthesia as well as common problems encountered by surgeons in their everyday practice. Each of the chapters explains what and how a surgeon should do in each case. The fundamentals of surgery, general principles of clinical examination of patients, major clinical symptoms and signs of the commonest surgical conditions are also highlighted.
The manual meets the requirements of the Syllabus for foreign students at medical schools and departments, confirmed by the Russian Federation Health Ministry.
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