Pharmaceutical Ecology. Textbook
Артикул | NF0021908 |
ISBN | 978-5-9704-6599-8 |
Издательство | |
Автор | Под ред. Г.В. Раменской |
Год | 2022 |
Страниц | 312 |
Переплет | твердый |
1045 руб.
В наличии
Купить электронную версию за 850 руб.The textbook describes the fundamentals of general ecology and special ecology — pharmaceutical ecology.
The special part is dedicated to protection of the environment by chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises (water bodies — from contaminating wastewater; atmospheric air — from industrial emissions; both water bodies and atmospheric air — from industrial waste).
In addition, the special part presents information on environmental pollution with metals, pesticides, nitrogen compounds, radionuclides.
The textbook discusses monitoring and use of food additives and the characteristics of biologically active supplements.
Recommended as a textbook for students of pharmaceutical universities and departments.
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