Microbiology, virology, immunology. Textbook
Артикул | NF0028870 |
ISBN | 978-5-9704-8641-2 |
Издательство | |
Автор | Михайлова Е.А., Азнабаева Л.М., Ляшенко И.Э. и др. |
Год | 2024 |
Страниц | 560 |
Переплет | твердый |
2910 руб.
В наличии
Купить электронную версию за 2150 руб.The textbook is compiled in accordance with the federal state educational standard of higher education in the speciality 31.05.01 «General Medicine», order No. 988 of 12.08.2020. The textbook contains the material necessary for studying the main issues of general and private medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology within the framework of mastering the academic disciplines «Microbiology, Virology» and «Immunology». The structure and content of the textbook correspond to the modular system of education at the university and will allow students to master the material, prepare for intermediate certifi cation and master the competencies of GPC-5, PC-3, UC-1, necessary in the professional activity of a doctor.
The textbook is intended for foreign students studying at the faculty in the specialty 31.05.01 «General Medicine».
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