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Propedeutics of internal diseases. Textbook

Артикул NF0028080




Ивашкин В.Т., Охлобыстин А.В., Ивашкин К.В.







6755 руб.

В наличии

The textbook presents the fundamentals of semiotics, syndromology and diagnostics within the course of propedeutics of internal diseases. These areas are not static, their content is constantly updated along with the deep understanding of the subject on the basis of the latest achievements in molecular biology, the introduction of precision methods of laboratory and radiological diagnostics and developments in the fi eld of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy.
The textbook describes in detail the methods of physical diagnosis, ways to identify symptoms and signs, and reveals the modern methodology of clinical diagnostics, syndrome-based approach for analysis of clinical data. Practical information on teaching of internal diseases and clinical activity is given.
Historical information on the origin of medical terms and examination methods is also presented.
The publication is intended for English-speaking students of medical universities who have begun to study the basics of clinical medicine, and can also be useful for a wide range of doctors and teachers of medical universities and colleges. Textbook is compiled in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards of higher education level of specialist training in the fi eld of 31.05.01 «General Medicine».

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