Traumatology and Orthopedics. Textbook
Артикул | NF0023846 |
ISBN | 978-5-9704-7465-5 |
Издательство | |
Автор | Гаркави А.В., Лычагин А.В., Кавалерский Г.М. |
Год | 2023 |
Страниц | 784 |
Переплет | твердый |
3655 руб.
В наличии
Купить электронную версию за 2970 руб.The textbook covers general and particular issues of traumatology and orthopedics, provides with up-to-date methods of diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in adults and children. The material contains explanatory illustrations, indicative and reference schemes for physician in the pre-hospital and hospital periods, questions for self-check.
The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education for the specialties 31.05.01 “General Medicine”, 31.05.02 “Pediatrics”, 32.05.01 “Medical and Preventive Medicine”. The textbook is recommended for students of higher medical professional education.
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